At this event organized by Centraide of Greater Montreal, I had the privilege of being one of the main guests and facilitating a collage activity, delving into the heart of community impact, storytelling and their importance.Throughout the workshop, we delved into the core of collaboration, unveiling the intricacies of the art of storytelling and its practical applications. Emphasis was placed on the dynamics of relationship-building, with a particular focus on harnessing the potency of shared values and addressing pressing issues with a sense of urgency. Together, we explored the essence of community engagement, fostering an environment where collective efforts could make a tangible difference.
I also conducted a discussion on the impact of the dominant narrative on our perceptions of the environment and certain issues, highlighting how it renders some individuals invisible and excludes them from certain civic spaces. This discussion laid the foundation for the collage activity, where participants were invited to envision their own definition of a resilient and inclusive community.